Inside this hard-bound book of sexiness is:
74 pages of inspiration, with titles like:
Passion Without Apology​
Wet Panties Have No Brains
Do You Really Want to Get Turned On?
The Orgasm Fairy
Hot & Bothered
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy
Orgasms Shmorgasms
Shaken Not Stirred
Get Wet
....and more...
More than a dozen different perspectives on love, lust and being present
Over 36 images to light up your libido, but not in a cheesy overt way
A decent number of curse words hidden throughout
Excellent usage of cool fonts
How this book came about....
"The truth is, I spent over two decades specifically trying to understand what turned people on. "
I was a buyer and seller of romantic books, accessories, and things that may very well tickle one's fancy. I was in the wholesale distribution part of the romance industry and it was fascinating. It was my job (get this...) to learn about everything sexy...the what's, the whys, and the where-does-that-go's. I learned so much about people, and what moved and motivated them, sexual chemistry and energy, fantasies and taboos...connection and deep, profound love. One of the most valuable things I learned was that while BEAUTY might be one of the first things to interest and seduce you... it is also, totally subjective (beauty IS in the eye of the beholder)...and secondly, more than physical beauty it is the ENERGY between people that creates authentic passion. This book is like a night of appetizers...bites, and tastes of all of those things. It's real, honest and it won't tell you what is sexy - but instead, it will inspire you to answer that for yourself and find ways to create energy. After devouring it, I hope you feel open and free, I hope your curiosity is peaked and your heart is a little bigger.
I think it will appeal to people who are interested in living passionately, and tired of apologizing or shrinking back who they authentically are. It can be a messy journey, but ohhhhhhh my, what an exciting ride it will be!